Great Fiction & Nonfiction Books
Age Level: 3-6 years old

999 Frogs Wake Up
Age Level: 3-6 years old

A Bear, a Bee, and a Honey Tree
Age Level: 3-6 years old

About Birds / Sobre los parjaros
Age Level: 3-6 years old

About Birds: A Guide for Children
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Animal Ark: Celebrating our Wild World in Poetry and Pictures
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Animal Dads
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Animals: A First Art Book
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Are You My Mother?
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Bear Came Along
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Bees, Snails & Peacock Tails
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Bird Talk: What Birds Are Saying and Why
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Birds Make Nests
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Can You See Me?
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Cat Says Meow and Other An-i-mal-o-poe-ia
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Crustacean Vacation
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Cuddled and Carried / Consentido y cargado
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Daytime Nighttime
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Diary of a Worm
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Elizabeth, Queen of the Seas
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Every Autumn Comes the Bear
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Fabulous Frogs
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Feathers for Peacock
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Age Level: 3-6 years old

Good Dog, Carl
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Have You Heard the Nesting Bird?
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Have You Seen My Duckling?
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Hello Hello
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Hello, Crow
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Henry's Map
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Here Come the Humpbacks!
Age Level: 3-6 years old

How to Clean a Hippopotamus: A Look at Unusual Animal Partnerships
Age Level: 3-6 years old

How to Heal a Broken Wing
Age Level: 3-6 years old

I Spy in the Sky
Age Level: 3-6 years old

If You Want to See a Whale
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Inch by Inch
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Just One Bite: 11 Animals and Their Bites at Life Size!
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Leopard & Silkie: One Boy's Quest to Save the Seal Pups
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Let's Get a Pup! Said Kate
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Make Way for Ducklings
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Mama Built a Little Nest
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Meet the Howlers!
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Montessori: Map Work
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Age Level: 3-6 years old

On the Wing
Age Level: 3-6 years old

One Gorilla: A Counting Book
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Age Level: 3-6 years old

Out on the Prairie
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Ruby's Birds
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Seagulls Soar
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Stripes of All Types
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Suryia Swims! The True Story of How an Orangutan Learned to Swim
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Swamp Chomp
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Temple Cat
Age Level: 3-6 years old

The Most Amazing Bird
Age Level: 3-6 years old

The Secret Life of the Red Fox
Age Level: 3-6 years old

The Tale of the Mandarin Ducks
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Tico and the Golden Wings
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Trout Are Made of Trees
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Tyrannosaurus Rex vs. Edna the Very First Chicken
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Undersea Animals: A Dramatic Dimensional Visit to Strange Underwater Realms
Age Level: 3-6 years old

We're Sailing to Galapagos: A Week in the Pacific
Age Level: 3-6 years old

When You Wander: A Search-and-Rescue Dog Story
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Who Has These Feet?
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Whose Chick Are You?
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Wolf in the Snow
Age Level: 3-6 years old

You Are a Garter Snake!
Age Level: 3-6 years old
Age Level: 6-9 years old

A Boy and a Jaguar
Age Level: 6-9 years old

A Garden to Save the Birds
Age Level: 6-9 years old

A Horse in the House and Other Strange but True Animal Stories
Age Level: 6-9 years old

A Nest Is Noisy
Age Level: 6-9 years old

A Place for Birds
Age Level: 6-9 years old

A Round of Robins
Age Level: 6-9 years old

A Strange Place to Call Home
Age Level: 6-9 years old

About Hummingbirds: A Guide for Children
Age Level: 6-9 years old

About Parrots: A Guide for Children
Age Level: 6-9 years old

All the Birds in the World
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Amazing Animal Adventures Around the World
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Animal Fact / Animal Fable
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Animals by the Numbers: A Book of Infographics
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Arlo & Pips: King of the Birds
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Age Level: 6-9 years old

Age Level: 6-9 years old

Beneath the Sun
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Bird Count
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Birds of a Feather
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Birds, Nests and Eggs
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Birds: Just Like Us!
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Bowhead Whale
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Chicken Frank, Dinosaur!
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Age Level: 6-9 years old

City Cat
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Creature Features
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Crocodile Safari
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Dinosaur Feathers
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Age Level: 6-9 years old

Age Level: 6-9 years old

Even an Ostrich Needs a Nest
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Face to Face with Manatees
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Face to Face with Sharks
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Feathers: Not Just for Flying
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Flutter and Hum: Animal Poems/Aleteo y Zumbido: Poemas de Animales
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Fly With Me: A Celebration of Birds through Pictures, Poems, and Stories
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Follow the Moon Home: A Tale of One Idea, Twenty Kids, and a Hundred Sea Turtles
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Frida Kahlo and Her Animalitos
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Frog Song
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Frogs! Strange and Wonderful
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Gone Again Ptarmigan
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Hawks Kettle, Puffins Wheel: And Other Poems of Birds in Flight
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Help Me, Mr. Mutt! Expert Answers for Dogs with People Problems
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Henry and Mudge: The First Book
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Home for a Penguin, Home for a Whale
Age Level: 6-9 years old

How Do Birds Find Their Way?
Age Level: 6-9 years old

How to Bird
Age Level: 6-9 years old

How to Make a Bird
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Information Graphics: Animal Kingdom
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Invented by Animals: Meet the Creatures Who Inspired Our Everyday Technology
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Lali's Feather
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Leaving the Nest
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Age Level: 6-9 years old

Look Up! Bird-Watching in Your Own Backyard
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Lucky Dog: Twelve Tales of Rescued Dogs
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Lucy in the City: A Story About Developing Spatial Thinking Skills
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Monster Hunt: Exploring Mysterious Creatures
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Mrs. Harkness and the Panda
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Mush! Sled Dogs of the Iditarod
Age Level: 6-9 years old

My Happy Year by E. Bluebird (A Nature Diary)
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Nat Geo Wild Animal Atlas: Earth's Astonishing Animals and Where They Live
Age Level: 6-9 years old

National Geographic Kids Bird Guide of North America
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Nature Did It First: Engineering Through Biomimicry
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Nature Log Kids: A Kid's Journal to Record Their Birding Experiences
Age Level: 6-9 years old

No Monkeys, No Chocolate
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Noisy Bird Sing-Along
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Olinguito, de La A a la Z!/Olinguito, from A to Z!
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Olivia's Birds: Saving the Gulf
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Otters Love to Play
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Over and Under the Pond
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Owen & Mzee: The True Story of a Remarkable Friendship
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Owl Diaries: Eva's Treetop Festival
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Owl Moon
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Paddle Perch Climb: Bird Feet are Neat
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Pale Male: Citizen Hawk of New York City
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Parrots Over Puerto Rico
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Pika: Life in the Rocks
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Polar Bears
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Presidential Pets: The Weird, Wacky, Little, Big, Scary, Strange Animals That Have Lived in the White House
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Age Level: 6-9 years old

Seabird in the Forest: The Mystery of the Marbled Murrelet
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Skeletons and Exoskeletons
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Snails Are Just My Speed!
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Snow Birds
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Snow School
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Sparrow Girl
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Spit Nests, Puke Power, and Other Brilliant Bird Adaptations
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Spunky Tells All
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Story Worlds Nature
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Super Sniffers: Dog Detectives On the Job
Age Level: 6-9 years old

The Barn Owls
Age Level: 6-9 years old

The Beak Book
Age Level: 6-9 years old

The Big Book of Birds
Age Level: 6-9 years old

The Birdwatchers
Age Level: 6-9 years old

The Boy Who Drew Birds: A Story of John James Audubon
Age Level: 6-9 years old

The Cuckoo's Haiku: and Other Birding Poems
Age Level: 6-9 years old

The Fog
Age Level: 6-9 years old

The One and Only Ivan
Age Level: 6-9 years old

The Real Poop on Pigeons
Age Level: 6-9 years old

The Stunning Science of Everything: Science with the Squishy Bits Left In
Age Level: 6-9 years old

The Truth about Hippos
Age Level: 6-9 years old

The Watcher: Jane Goodall's Life with the Chimps
Age Level: 6-9 years old

There's a Frog in My Throat: 440 Animal Sayings a Little Bird Told Me
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Thunder Birds: Nature's Flying Predators
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Tiger Math: Learning to Graph from a Baby Tiger
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Tiny Bird: A Hummingbird's Amazing Journey
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Wackiest White House Pets
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Wanted! A Guinea Pig Named Henry
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Welcome, Brown Bird
Age Level: 6-9 years old

What's Your Favorite Animal?
Age Level: 6-9 years old

When the Wolves Returned: Restoring Nature's Balance in Yellowstone
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Who Eats What? Food Chains and Food Webs
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Wilderness: An Interactive Atlas of Animals
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Won Ton and Chopstick: A Cat and Dog Tale Told in Haiku
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Woodpecker Wham!
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Wow! Look What Birds Can Do
Age Level: 6-9 years old
Age Level: 9-12 years old

Alex the Parrot: No Ordinary Bird: A True Story
Age Level: 9-12 years old

Aviary Wonders Inc. Spring Catalog and Instruction Manual
Age Level: 9-12 years old

Backyard Birds (Peterson Field Guides for Young Naturalists)
Age Level: 9-12 years old

Beastly Bionics: Rad Robots, Brilliant Biomimicry, and Incredible Inventions Inspired by Nature
Age Level: 9-12 years old

Beastly Brains: Exploring How Animals Think, Talk, and Feel
Age Level: 9-12 years old

Beauty and the Beak: How Science, Technology, and a 3D-Printed Beak Rescued a Bald Eagle
Age Level: 9-12 years old

Children's Encyclopedia of Birds
Age Level: 9-12 years old

Citizen Scientists: Be a Part of Scientific Discovery from Your Own Backyard
Age Level: 9-12 years old

Condor Comeback
Age Level: 9-12 years old

Crow Smarts: Inside the Brain of the World's Brightest Bird
Age Level: 9-12 years old

Crows: Bird Geniuses (Science Comics series)
Age Level: 9-12 years old

Encantado: Pink Dolphin of the Amazon
Age Level: 9-12 years old

Glow: Animals with Their Own Nightlights
Age Level: 9-12 years old

Kakapo Rescue: Saving the World’s Strangest Parrot
Age Level: 9-12 years old

Least Things: Poems about Small Natures
Age Level: 9-12 years old

Moonbird: A Year on the Wind with the Great Survivor B95
Age Level: 9-12 years old

Park Scientists: Gila Monsters, Geysers, and Grizzly Bears in America’s Own Backyard
Age Level: 9-12 years old

Science Comics: Sharks: Nature's Perfect Hunter
Age Level: 9-12 years old

Slickety Quick: Poems About Sharks
Age Level: 9-12 years old

Songbirds (Peterson Field Guides: Young Naturalists)
Age Level: 9-12 years old

The New Stokes Field Guide to Birds: Eastern Region
Age Level: 9-12 years old

The New Stokes Field Guide to Birds: Western Region
Age Level: 9-12 years old

The Quest for the Tree Kangaroo: An Expedition to the Cloud Forest of New Guinea
Age Level: 9-12 years old

The Sibley Field Guide to Birds of Eastern North America (Second Edition)
Age Level: 9-12 years old

The Tragic Tale of the Great Auk
Age Level: 9-12 years old

The Young Birder's Guide to Birds of North America (Peterson Field Guides)
Age Level: 9-12 years old

Wild Wings
Age Level: 9-12 years old