Great Fiction & Nonfiction Books
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Clocks and More Clocks
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Dinosaur Train
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Telling Time
Age Level: 3-6 years old

The Clock Struck One: A Time-Telling Tale
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Time Flies
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Time Train
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Train Leaves the Station
Age Level: 3-6 years old

Water in the Park
Age Level: 3-6 years old

What Time Is It, Mr. Crocodile?
Age Level: 3-6 years old
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Big Papa and the Time Machine
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Carnival at Candlelight
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Dinosaurs Before Dark (Magic Tree House series)
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Age Level: 6-9 years old

Gold in the Hills: A Tale of the Klondike Gold Rush
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Haunted Castle on Hallow's Eve
Age Level: 6-9 years old

How the Sphinx Got to the Museum
Age Level: 6-9 years old

It's All Greek to Me
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Just a Second
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Me Counting Time: From Seconds to Centuries
Age Level: 6-9 years old

My First Book of Time
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Nine O’Clock Lullaby
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Tar Beach
Age Level: 6-9 years old

The First Drawing
Age Level: 6-9 years old

The Magic School Bus: In the Time of the Dinosaurs
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Ticktock Banneker's Clock
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Time Zones
Age Level: 6-9 years old
Age Level: 9-12 years old

A Wrinkle in Time
Age Level: 9-12 years old

Anno's Sundial
Age Level: 9-12 years old

Dinosaur Empire! Journey through the Mesozoic Era
Age Level: 9-12 years old

Dinotopia: A Land Apart from Time
Age Level: 9-12 years old

Knights of the Kitchen Table (Time Warp Trio series)
Age Level: 9-12 years old

On the Blue Comet
Age Level: 9-12 years old

Secrets of Stonehenge
Age Level: 9-12 years old

The Invention of Hugo Cabret
Age Level: 9-12 years old