Summer is the perfect time to have fun with your child and strengthen reading and writing skills at the same time. Discover everyday literacy activities and get some tips on how to explore language and new words, practice writing, and build your child’s bank of background knowledge (what he knows about the world).
Building Background Knowledge
Use Summer Fun to Build Background Knowledge
You don't need to have a book in hand to help your child become a better reader. Interesting experiences give kids a broader framework for new information they might encounter in books, and when kids have lots of experiences to draw on, they have a better chance of making a connection with what they read! Help your child build background knowledge this summer with these activities.
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Summer Learning, Side-by-Side
Children are full of questions about the world around them, and summer is a perfect time to tap into your child's interests. Here are some ways to start a journey of discovery together.
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Making Reading Relevant: Read, Learn, and Do!
Every time you pair a book with an experience, you are giving your child an opportunity to learn more about their world. Below are some suggestions for books and corresponding activities to extend your child's reading experiences.
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The Night Before the Museum
Daytrips, vacations and special outings create special memories and great learning opportunities for families. The time leading up to your trip can be filled with excitement and adventure too! Whether you're going to the zoo, the museum, or a state park, below are a few "stops" to make before your visit to help your child get the most out of a family or school educational experience.
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Vocabulary and Word Play
Building Your Child's Vocabulary
Talking to and reading with your child are two terrific ways to help them hear and read new words. Conversations and questions about interesting words are easy, non-threatening ways to get new words into everyday talk. Here are some ideas to get you started.
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Use Words to Teach Words
Children who comprehend the most from their reading are those who know a lot about words. They are familiar with word prefixes, suffixes, word roots, and multiple meanings of words. Families can help develop word knowledge through simple conversations focused on words.
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The Vocabulary of Science
Children who comprehend the most from their reading are those who know a lot about words. They are familiar with word prefixes, suffixes, word roots, and multiple meanings of words. Families can help develop word knowledge through simple conversations focused on words.
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Playing with Words (Riddles)
Riddles are an excellent way for kids to learn how to really listen to the sounds of words, understand that some words have more than one meaning, and how to manipulate words. Riddles also help build a rich vocabulary and strengthen reading comprehension. And finally, riddles are familiar and fun — a good incentive for thinking about words and reading. Here's how to get started with riddles.
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Everyday Literacy
Environmental Print
Letters are all around us! Here are some ideas to use print found in your everyday environment to help develop your child's reading skills.
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Grocery Store Literacy
A simple trip to the grocery store can turn into a real learning experience for your child. Below are some easy ways to build literacy and math skills while getting your shopping done at the same time!
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Grocery Store Literacy Activity Sheets
This full set of 8 activities features familiar characters from PBS KIDS programs Word World, Super Why!, Sesame Street, Between the Lions, and Martha Speaks. (In English and Spanish)
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Writing and Spelling at Home
Summer Writing
Summer is for exploring, reading, listening and … writing. Give your kids a chance to exercise different writing muscles — from poetry to persuasive writing. We’ve put together a number of fun, simple writing activities to do with your child or as a group activity with friends and neighbors.
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Developing Writing and Spelling at Home
Writing is a terrific way for children to express their thoughts, creativity, and uniqueness. It is also a fundamental way in which children learn to organize ideas and helps them to be better readers. Here are some suggestions that engage your child in the writing process.
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Reading Tip Sheets for Parents
Our one-page parent tips offer easy ways for parents to help kids become successful readers. Although we've divided these tips by age, many of them can be used with children at various ages and stages — we encourage you to choose the ones that work best for your child.
We have tip sheets for parents of preschoolers, kindergarteners, first graders, second graders, and third graders.
Available in English and 10 other languages: Spanish, Arabic, Traditional Chinese, Haitian Creole, Hmong, Korean, Navajo, Russian, Tagalog, and Vietnamese.